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The Shepherds of Everlasting Life.

ELFGM was founded and officially started with the approval of the North Carolina Secretary of State in January 1997 by Pastor Aileen J. Lyons. The church started small and moved from house to house. As the number of followers grew a building was needed and eventually rented to host weekly services. ELFGM is a multi-cultural church where all children and adults are welcomed. Children and adults worship in the same sanctuary during all services. Young adults may attend a weekly Sunday school class specifically designed and tailored for young adults who aspire to learn.

Meet Bishop Dallas L. Lyons, Jr.

 Dallas Lee Lyons, Jr. was born on October 26, 1952 in Williamston, North Carolina, to Dallas Lee Lyons, Sr. and Zada Jones Lyons. He lived approximately 5 miles in the country side, the rural part of town. He had 4 sisters and no brothers.  One aunt and her daughter lived in their house most of his childhood. He attended a small three room school house until the third grade, at which time a new elementary school was built several miles away, Rogers Elementary School. After the fifth grade he attended E.J. Hayes High School, until his senior year when he was transferred for integration reasons. In 1971, he graduated from Jamesville High.
             After graduating from high school in 1971 he attended North Carolina Central University
for one year, and did not value education as much as he does now. His attitude towards education at the time caused him to be placed on academic probation the following year. Being placed on probation changed his draft status and subsequently he was drafted in to the army in 1974.  He made a career out of the service, unintentionally, but served twenty years and retired in 1994. Shortly after being drafted he wed his life-long love in 1974, Aileen Josephine Rodgers.
             Just prior to returning to Germany in 1980, he attended a church service in Fairmont Heights, a suburb of Washington DC, a church mother whose name was Lyons
no relation, stood and began to prophesy. Mother Lyons spoke to him and a friend sitting next to him.  She said, "God is calling both of you into the ministry to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ." He did not know much about prophesy at the time, but he knew that he never had a desire to preach.  However, even though he was not saved at the time, he had a reverence and respect for God from a young age.  His mother and father raised him in the church. As he listened to her speak like Mary, Jesus’ mother, he kept and pondered those words in his heart for many years to come. One valuable lesson he learned from that event was when God speaks it shall come to pass.
             No more than two years later God began using him to preach the gospel.  God began to take Pastor Dallas Lyons, Jr. to many distant places, Germany, Berlin, Netherlands, London, Maryland, North Carolina, Arizona, Texas and places in between to minister and to hear His word. God eventually settled the Lyons’ Family in Spring Lake, North Carolina
upon retiring from the army in 1994.  They made attempts to fellowship in different places, but God had other plans for them.  Behind the plans was the birth of Everlasting Life Full Gospel Ministries. God has been the only guide in Pastor Dallas Lyons, Jr. and his wife Aileen Lyons’ life in growing them into wise master builders.  It is the goal of he and his wife to be those soul winners God called them to be and to spread the gospel throughout the world.  Jesus said “Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. - Luke 14:23”

Meet Pastor Aileen Lyons.

Born in Windsor, NC, Pastor Aileen Lyons grew up in Williamston, NC as Aileen Josephine Rodgers.  She attended St. Mark Disciples of Christ Church in Everettes, NC where she served as a choir member.  At the age of twelve she realized she was called into the ministry.  She went on to graduate from Williamston High School in 1973.  Thereafter, she moved to Washington, D.C. to work as a clerical typist at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).  This is the time at which she married her long time love Dallas Lyons, Jr., April, 1974.   They moved to Ansbach, Germany where they lived for eleven months, and then were sent to Ft. Meade, M.D. due to Dallas’s Army commitment.  Here in Ft. Meade is where she attended Chapel Services, eventually joined the Gospel Choir, and began taking correspondent Bible college courses at Lanham Bible College in Lanham, M.D.  After completing the assigned course Pastor Aileen received a certificate in Biblical Studies.
            Being led by God, Pastor Aileen Lyons left Chapel services in Ft. Meade and began attending a Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. where the Pastor was Reverend Rudolph Bell.  This is when she started having dreams again about preaching and continued to take classes at Lanham Bible College.  Reverend Bell referred Pastor Lyons to his overseer, Reverend David Strong the Bishop and founder of about ten churches in the area.  Reverend David Stroy was 83 years old.  He was a true Prophet of God.  She studied with Reverend Stroy and eventually received her ordination license under him in 1978.  She worked under him until her husband received orders in 1979 to return back to Germany.  In April of 1980 she flew to Germany
with her oldest daughter, Shalee Lyons, to join her husband. 
            Stationed in Butzbach, Germany, the Lyons’ Family joined a Pentecostal Church.  Here she received enlightenment about the Holy Ghost.  She was told the Holy Ghost was sent back to us to help and show humans how to live holy.  This is where she was baptized in the name of Jesus with fire and received the Holy Ghost.  They were a residence of Butzbach four years and the fourth year they began pastoring.   

            Following Germany, her husband received orders to Ft. Huachuca, AZ were they began prayer and Bible Study in their home.  On Saturdays they attended church in Tucson, AZ.  They lived in Arizona for three years when they received orders to return back to Germany.  This time they were stationed in Pirmasens, Germany.  Here they met a Pastor and began a Bible Study in their home.  From here they were sent to Ft. Hood, TX.  They lived in Texas for eighteen months.  They continued to host home Bible Studies, and finally moved to Spring Lake, NC where they continue until present to teach and preach the Word of God.  However, before moving into a building Pastor Aileen and family moved from house to house preaching the gospel of Christ.  Pastor Aileen continued her personal study of the word through correspondences received from the Church of God where she received her Associates in Biblical Studies in 1997.  She also received another Associate in Biblical Studies through Amazing Facts in 2002.  In 2002 she began attending Outreach for Jesus Bible Institute and received another Associate in Biblical Studies. 
            She is the founder of Everlasting Life Full Gospel Ministries which was chartered in 1996.  She pastors Everlasting Life along with her husband Pastor Dallas L. Lyons, Jr.  Now works closely with Pastor Dorothy Batts of Outreach for Jesus.  Pastor Batts is the overseer of Everlasting Life Full Gospel Ministries.  Pastor Aileen Lyons also instructs the course Word of God Christian Counseling at Outreach for Jesus Bible Institute. 

Lyons Family.